Tuesday, May 4, 2010

29 weeks

There's not much to update on this week. I'm still feeling fine, my belly is growing... and growing, and growing. The little guy continues to move around constantly, I think he's going to be quite the athlete. He should now weigh about 2 1/2 pounds and is a slightly over 15 inches long. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. His nutritional demands are increasing and his bones are soaking up lots of calcium as his skeleton is hardening each day.

I need to begin the daycare search. It's really difficult because Nate and I both commute pretty far to work and in different directions. The daycare's only want the baby to spend 10 hours a day in the center (which should be plenty of time) therefore we must figure out how we can work this out with our work schedules. At first, I was thinking that we would use the local Y, but if I drop the baby off at 7:00 on my way to Harrisburg Nate would need to pick him up at 5:00 which won't always be possible. If I wait to drop him off at 7:30 to allow Nate a later pick time in the evening, I wouldn't get home from work until about 7 and that's just too late. I'm open to a private day care provider but only if the individual is recommended to me personally by someone I know. I think that a private day care could be a good option because the baby would be getting more one on one attention but then you risk the person getting sick and being left without childcare, not to mention that private individuals (depending on how they are operating) are not subject to all of the rules and regulations as day care centers. I also like the socialization and education aspects that centers provide once the little guy is old enough for these types of activities. It's a really difficult decision, especially considering the child will spend as much or more time with the child care provider(s) than us:(.

29 weeks

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