Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring has (not) sprung

The calendar officially says it's spring and after a cold snowy winter I sure wish that it felt like it outside but it doesn't.  We had 4-5 inches of the white stuff on Friday, while it was very pretty I'm over it!   According to my weather app on my phone there might be more "wintery mix" and snow on the way:(  It's time almost time for daffodils and Easter, so come on Mother Nature!

The boys had a fun week followed by a long weekend.  Today, I took off and the boys and I went to The Roads and Rails Museum in Frederick.  They had a huge model train display, as well as lego trains.  The boys enjoyed it and their first visit to Chick Fil a (and playground)...which Brennan said they have cows on their pictures why isn't it Cow Fil a, haha.  Today, I told him that Nate was in Holidaysburg for work and he said, "Why is it called that do they have a holiday everyday?"  I think he wanted to move there until I told him no.  Saturday, when we were driving through the center of Greencastle he said "Here's the town square but it should be called the town circle!"  That boy, he never stops thinking!!  He told Nate the other day (when Nate asked him if he knew that he talked a lot) that there's "Just so much in his head that he needs to get it all out there."  Jace is just as much of a character.  Yesterday, he put his shoes on and said "bye, bye."  When I asked where he was going he said "To Chambersburg, to eat!"  After much discussion on his vitamin yesterday, Nate finally gave up and left him start eating his regular food.  After a few minutes of eveyone just sitting there eating, Jace proclaimed, "Got my way!"  Oh boy....

How did I get so lucky?!  In our green on St. Patty's day

Finally the snow had all melted and we were left with a mud pit but Jace was glad to be outside!

This is wrong...looking through the boys Easter stickers at snow!!
Then this happened....

It was beautiful

I'm going to send this to Heinz...."how do you do happy?"  Dipping his hard boiled egg in ketchup!  It was not just a one time thing...he ate 2 like this over the weekend!

Painting big Easter eggs

Jace worked very hard at his...he ended up with a brown egg after all of his mixing of colors.

Ta Da, pretty good if you ask me!

Coloring eggs, Jace didn't want to participate, he just wanted to eat hard-boiled eggs.

Out to dinner...why not sit in the window.  We didn't go to Chambersburg though!

This was a good save by Mama...we were supposed to go to Skyzone but they are closed on Mondays.  I googled trains and some surrounding towns and found the Roads and Railways Museum.  You can tell by his face that it was a good find!

HUGE set up!

Complete with volcano

Lots of buttons to push:)

My favorite display the amusement park...

A gemstone mine

Thomas and Friends

Lego trains

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mid 30s

Well, I guess there's no denying it...34 is officially mid 30s.  Thanks to all who helped me celebrate my birthday over the weekend.  I appreciate the gifts, cards, and wishes.  I look forward to the year in our new home, completing some projects, and making lots of memories with our little guys.

No birthday of mine would be complete without a cake from DQ

Brennan started t-ball last week.  He did well, hopefully he'll enjoy it!  Brennan amazes me...he's so patient with Jace and often helps him and tries to teach him new things (I believe that he's officially taught him to use several pieces of technology :phone, dvd player and kindle).  Oh, and I hate to admit it but I registered my first BABY for kindergarten last week.  I'm dreading the day that he starts but I know that he'll do great, he's such a smarty pants!

Oh Jacers...this guys is really something.  I love hearing him talk...he says My instead of I, e.g. "my do it!"  Adorable.  He can count to 11 and knows some of his ABCs.
One of my favorite things about our new home...the sunrises are amazing.  I need to take some pictures with my real camera one morning rather than my phone.

We did some work in the boys playroom...shelves are finished.  

Hung some pictures and filled up the bookshelf.  By filled I mean...probably 200+ books but these books are put to good use!

Wouldn't be complete without some art by the boys...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Snow Fun!

Last week we had more of the white that I mean a foot of it on Thur.  This weekend Brennan and Daddy had some fun in the snow, skiing at Liberty.  I took Jace over to watch and he really wanted to be in on the year!

For some reason, Picasa won't let me import or edit pictures so these will have to do.
Snowing hard!

Look at the snow on their hats!

Bobcat fun for the boys...sure glad this was left here, otherwise we might have had to do some serious shovelling

Jace loves the bobcast, he'll watch out the window the entire time that Nate' s using it

Magic carpet lift

Gosh it's hard being little when all you can do is watch


Sometimes you fall...