Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Year Check Up

Brennan went for his 2 year check up last week.  He's just a little peanut at 23 pounds 11 ounces which puts him in the 3rd percentile for weight.  He's 34 inches tall which is in the 50th percentile.  All is well with our little guy.  

Brennan has not started singing.  He sings the Sesame Street Song and Farmer and the Dell.  He can also sing Monkeys on the Bed and Old MacDonald.  So cute!

Brennan with his friend Emmett

Monday, July 23, 2012

B Pics

Big harvest this weekend!

Belly Updates

Not much to see but here's the last 2 weeks pictures of my growing belly.  The baby is about the size of an orange right now and covered in hair.  The little monkey is able to sense light and can now hear our voices.  Here is my 16 week post  from when I was pregnant with B.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Brennan!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Baby B, who's not so much of a baby anymore!  I can't believe our little buddy is 2 already, time sure flies by.  He's such a sweet little guy who fills our life with so much joy.  He can be quite the little wild child too, you would believe me if you saw him running around Monkey Joes and trying to go do all of the big kids bounce activities and just now we had to stop him from running a push toy up the wall!  He's also becoming Mr. Independent wanting to do everything himself.  We constantly hear "lemme do it" or if I try to do it for him "no, no, Mamma."  He likes to help with everything especially getting food ready which he does while sitting up on the counter.  Last night he helped me bake cupcakes.  He cracks us up with some of the crazy things that come of out of his mouth such as: "big poop in da butt" or "poopin' in da butt" (that's not embarrassing when he says it in front of strangers), "boo boo on leg, need butt cream" and when I asked him what he is supposed to say after letting a stinker he told me "oink, oink!"  What are we going to do with this crazy 2 year old!  I guess on the good side, he does speak in full sentences already.  Sorry, Brennan...I shouldn't write these embarrassing moments on your 2 year old blog post.  We love you to pieces and hope that all of your 2 year old birthday wishes come true!  And in case you forget just how little he used to be check out this post.

 Today we celebrated by going to Monkey Joe's which he loved, out to lunch,  and dinner, cupcakes/ice cream and presents at home.  I think that he had quite the birthday between his Mickey party and a fun day today.  We are taking in fishy cupcakes to school tomorrow and then I think he'll have to call it quits on the birthday parties. 

And a couple of pictures from the last couple of days...B showing off his 2 new pair of shoes
Yes, I left my child go to school looking like this yesterday because he insisted on wearing the boots.  When I went to pick him up they had gotten his sneakers on but he wore the hat all day.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Brennan's 2nd Birthday Party

We celebrated Brennan's 2nd birthday a little early yesterday with a Mickey party.  He really enjoyed having everyone here and he loves all of his presents.  Thanks to all who came and for all of the great gifts!

The boys

Nana and Brennan

 Time to open presents!!
A new barn!

A big boy fishing rod

Playdough tools

Really into opening presents

Power tools!

Brennan and Porter

What's this?
Sandbox...handmade by Daddy!

And he loves it!  Check out that workmanship.

In his new sandbox!

Time for ice cream cake and cupcakes

Make a wish!

Allison and Ava
Rob and Harper

Pulling the pinata

In his new wagon!

Summer and Noah came all the way from Pittsburgh

Having fun with Summer and Noah

What a fun day!