Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm really late with this post.  We were busy running around and then started to decorate this weekend so I missed putting up a Thanksgiving post.  Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family, we did!  So many blessings to count this year:)
At the farm

Checking out the Black Friday ads

Ryan and Brennan with our Thanksgiving turkey (this is a joke)!

This is what 2 Thanksgiving dinners will do to you!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Surprise for B

Today we took Brennan for a surprise visit to the Baltimore Aquarium...and expensive day but worth it.  Brennan enjoyed it, as he's really into fish, dolphins, sharks, etc.  He's already asked to go for another "prise."  Please excuse my didn't seem to be my day as photographer.

B enjoyed watching the scuba divers feed the fish



Thank gosh they had dolphins because Brennan really wanted to see them.

And just for fun

33 Weeks

33  weeks, 7 more to go!  This week the baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.  Antibodies are being passed from me to the little he continues to develop his own fetal immune system, which will come in handy once he's outside the womb and fending off all sorts of germs.

Close up of my basketball, I mean baby.

Gosh, I'm huge!  I may have to stand on the other side of the door soon so that my belly doesn't cover the sign!

Monday, November 12, 2012

This could be a problem...

I'm in!

And this is unrelated but I think it's interesting how he chooses to sit like this.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Big Boy (and his room)

Brennan is such a big boy now, he's been "mimi" free for 2 weeks now!  I'm glad that we were able to do away with the pacifier before the new baby comes.  He gave it up cold turkey after both of prized mimis were left at daycare a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't quite as easy as I just made it seem, he did have a rough night without it the first night.  He's also been in his big boy room and very big bed for sometime now but I just got around to taking pictures (see below).  Our big boy can also say his ABCs (check out the video below)!

Here is his new room.  We painted the dresser and nightstand.  I took the black and white pictures.  The Thomas picture above his dresser was taken by Tammy (on her iphone) and it was printed at mpix.  The bedding is from Target, the curtains from Home Goods, the Thomas pillows are from, and the larger bed pillows were made by Gram.  The wall decal is from etsy.  The bookshelf is from his nursery, made by his Pap Pap.

Brennan gets to ride on the backhoe with Uncle Ryan!

Now I know my ABCs!

31 Weeks

I'm into the single digit week countdown!  Weighing in at three-plus pounds and measuring 18 inches long, the baby is quickly approaching his birth length — though he's got to pack on another three to five pounds before D-day. Also developing at an impressive clip: is the baby's brain connections (he's got to make trillions of them!). He's now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. He's also putting in longer stretches of sleep.

We've made some recent progress on the nursery, just a few more things to do.  I've also gotten all of his clothes and other things washed and put away so all we need now is a baby!

A peek into the nursery!
Daddy and his little helper painting the room
Finished stripes.  Nate did a great job!