Monday, August 30, 2010

10 Pounder

Can you believe it my little Baby B now weighs 9 pounds 15.5 ounces, in my mind that's the same as 10 pounds.  He continues to grow like a weed and the days and weeks continue to go by too quickly.  Over the weekend Brennan went on his first date with an adorable little lady:)

Zippy Babies
"Oh, look at that cute little guy!"

"Time to make my move, I think I'll hold his hand."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Spoiling

Brennan is over 1 month old and continues to receive gifts, gift cards, cards, etc.  Thank you EVERYONE for your unbelievable generosity.  Over the weekend, he was given two very special gifts.  One is a block wagon which is from his great aunt and uncle who always seem to find special gifts.  The wagon is handmade by John Michael Linck.  You can check out his entire catalog here.  This unique gift not only helps the child learn to walk but also inspires creativity as they can build castles, roadways, zoos, skyscrapers and airports out of the blocks.  I know that Brennan, especially if he is anything like his Daddy, is absolutely going to love building things with these blocks and that he will treasure this special gift. The 2nd unique gift that Brennan received was from a former player of mine (one whom I respect and admire more than any other athlete I've coached).  She had her "host" Mom make a quilt for Brennan which is absolutely beautiful.  The stitching is very unique almost in a puzzle pattern and the quilt is complete with a custom tag.  I was very touched they made this for us.  My player told me it's something that her Mom does for "family" and when she found out I was pregnant she asked her to make one for us:).
Block wagon.  There are several sizes and shapes of blocks underneath the first layer
Handmade quilt

Not a good picture of the tag but it's labeled as Brennan's Quilt and dated.  It's also signed by my player and her host Mom.

Happy Baby B

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Growing Boy

Brennan went to the doctor on Friday and although we knew he was growing the proof is in the numbers.  He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces.  He's almost a 9 pounder!  He's also moved onto his 0-3 month sleepers as he seems to have outgrown his newborn size sleepers.  He can still wear his other newborn clothing but probably not for long.  He is starting to fit into some of the 0-3 month shirts.  I wish he'd start to fit into his shorts but I'm not sure that will ever happen.

In his 0-3 month monkey sleeper
Check out the fancy feet

Mom, STOP taking pictures!  This outfit looked like a dress on him when we first tried it, fits well now!

But this is what I mean about the shorts....  I was trying all of his shorts on to see if any fit (No, I was not going to wear these w/ his fisherman bibs) and all of the shorts are too big in the legs and go to his ankles!  I don't think the baby clothes people make shorts correctly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ahh, Anguilla

I know you want to see pictures of my adorable baby boy and read about his daily doings but here's an article on one of my favorite places.  I bet Brennan will enjoy visiting Anguilla someday.  Anguilla just finished up with it's annual carnival, it looked like a good time.
View from Viceroy
View from Gwen's
View from Da Vida

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Month Old!

Time is going by too quickly, it really needs to slow down.  Brennan is one month old already, I just can't believe it.  He's growing so fast.  I'm afraid before I know it that I'll be back at work....and we don't even have our childcare figured out, I know I really need to take care of that.  Look how our little boy has changed over the past month.

Brennan's Birthday, July 18

15 days old

1 month old!
Getting so big...

Still adorable:)

Monday, August 16, 2010

We did it!

We got groceries...I wasn't sure how this would go with a baby but I put him in his Ergo carrier and we made it through without any crying:). I don't know why this felt like such an accomplishment, but whatever, I'll take the small victory if it means I still the ability to be on the go.  We are doing better at being on the go, last week we went to lunch with Grandma and visited some coworkers.  We've also been to the outlets several times.  Soon we are going to try field hockey practice.

I just got the carrier last week and had only used it to go on a walk prior to today.  The carrier is comfortable and according to things I've read is supposed to be better for the back than the Baby Bjorn.  My back might not be the back to test this on as it has already been hurting from all of the bending and holding.  Brennan seems to love being in the carrier, he was awake part of the time today but then slept like a "baby."  I can't believe he'll be a month old in 2 days!

Nate and I before we left the poor little guy to go on a date.
Haha, poor Sophie not her best pose!
Tired B
Check out my bibs

The Girls of Fall!

Well, it's mid August you know what that means Field Hockey!  Oh, right most people say fall is for does this great video by Kenny Chesney.  I'm a little mad that it's not called the girls of fall, but regardless what an awesome message.  Enjoy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Time Flies!

The days seem to slip by so quickly, with little time to blog.  Brennan and I have had lots of visitors recently and we've been out and about several times.  The little guy sure is growing; we are estimating him at about 8 and a half pounds now.  He's awake more now through the day and makes lots of eye contact, follows the sounds of his toys (he really likes his sea horse and giraffe), and makes faces.  Here's a few pics:
B w/ his sea horse
First bath in the tub- he hated it.
Check out his shorts that actually fit- so tired from a big day out.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Newborn Pics

Check out the pictures that Kylene Krotzer took of Brennan, several are posted on her blog, including the ones below.  I can't wait to see the rest.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Can Play (Kind of...)

Today was Brennan and I's first day on our own.  He spent most of the day sleeping.  He slept for a a good portion of the afternoon, giving me some time to get caught up on my blog, download pictures, fill out his baby calendar, and do some laundry.

Aunt Spout said that Emerson liked her play gym by 2 weeks, so I got Brennan's out and he did seem interested in in playing on it.

Just chillin
Playing in my Tiny Love Gym

Nursery and spoiling update

The nursery is finally finished.  We put up the finishing touch on Friday, take a look. The decal was ordered on Etsy from seller Janeymac.  It was a bit difficult to put up, but luckily Nate has patience and I'm very happy with how the finished product looks.

This weekend Brennan continued to be spoiled by family as they gave him more gifts, clothes, shoes, photo albums, toys etc.!  Thanks everyone:)  He got the pair of Air Jordan's below from Uncle Ryan, aren't they adorable?  Not to mention that last week his Pap-pap spoiled him with many gifts including his first gun and knife, of course we won't let him use these for a little while yet:).

All of Brennan's shoes, just waiting for his little feet to grow into them.  Check out his Lil Tim's in the back row, they probably won't until a year or year and a half.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2 weeks old

Brennan is 2 weeks old today, where do the days go?  Baby B is growing each day, you can see it in his face and his tiny thighs are even starting to get a little meat on them.  So far, most of his hair is staying put.  I thought it was starting to fall out but now I'm not so sure.  His eyebrows are still blond, so we continue to wonder what color of hair he will have.  I think he looks a little like me, especially in the mouth/chin area, I'll have to check out my baby pictures when I'm over at my Mom's to be sure.  I'm still holding out hope that he'll have Nate's pretty eyes. For now he is uniquely Brennan and not a tiny version of either of us.  He is already a big boy, as Friday night we put him in his crib to sleep and he did just fine.  He wakes up around 2 (we usually have to wake him up to eat) and again around 5 or so.  I think that's pretty good for such a little guy. 

Yesterday, Kylene and Matt (Kylene Krotzer Photography) came and took newborn pictures.  Nate is sure that I've traumatized Brennan already and that he hates having his picture taken.  I thought he did fine and I can't wait to see the pics! He also got to meet his great Aunt Liz and Uncle Ron. 

Today, he is venturing over to Fulton County.  He is going to meet Grandma Melissa's Johnston cousins and then go to Hustontown to meet his Great-great grandparents, whose birthdays everyone will be celebrating.  He is a lucky little guy to have so many grandparents:).

Tomorrow, will be Brennan and I's first day on our own.  Last week one of his Grandmas or Aunt Tammy were here each day to help out and of course the first week home Nate was here.  I'm sure we'll do fine, maybe I'll even take a nap when he does.  

Sophie wasn't so sure about Brennan, and I'm still not sure she is loving him.  She's been spending a lot of time outside during the day but last night she decided that she needed held and ventured up on Nate's lap even though Brennan was there.  Hopefully, my poor little kitty is getting used to having a baby at home.

My loves