Sunday, January 26, 2014


The weather has been FREEZING, wait no it's not even been as warm as freezing, it's been several days since we've seen 32 degrees and the forecast says it will be several more days until it's freezing or above.  I realize that it's winter but this is ridiculous!  The boys don't seem to mind but of course we all have runny noses.  Needless to say we've been having inside fun.

See what I mean, this was on the 7th but it's been another week like it this past week!  I saw -2 last week.

Stuck inside and this is what happens.  The toilet paper was still connected in the bathroom!

Brennan and I went to see Jim Henson's Dinosaur Train show at the Majestic Theater on Thursday

I'm telling you he's a wild man!

This beautiful guy must be cold!

Boys will be boys

Playing trucks

Monday, January 20, 2014

Picture Shortage

It's usually not the case with me but I'm currently lacking pictures to post.  With everyone being sick and the new year off to a busy start I haven't taken many pictures.  Here are a couple.

Looking good in his flannel

Thomas pjs....I tried for a little while to get a good pic, and was unsuccessful so these are it.

Tough guy after surgery

The boys putting together a wooden police car

I'm cute and I know it!

See my tongue

B's elephant mask

Sleepy boys

Can't keep him off of the table.  Having his puffs from up top.

My friend's 2 little miracle twins, Rocco and Alexa.  So cute!
Brennan and Emerson

We can't keep him off of anything...he climbed on top of his cart!  Today I found him standing on top of it!  He's crazy!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jace's 1 Year Pics

So it's been a while since I've posted but it's been a crazy couple of weeks.  Jace had a minor surgery and then came down with fever/runny nose/cold.  Poor boy!  Hopefully he's on the mend and 2014 will get a little better for him.  He did have his 1 year check up before all of that and all was well.  They said he weighed 21 pounds 6 ounces (although 2 days later the surgery center said he weighed over 22) and was 31 inches long. Here are the professional pics that he had taken right before his birthday.  He was exhausted and it wasn't such a great session.  The pictures were taken by Jennifer Oswald, she was really nice and we would recommend her, check out the link if you are looking for someone in Central PA, her snow pics are awesome and she even brings backgrounds and props with her.   Also, if you liked the pictures on our Christmas card, they were taken by our friend Rebecca Sieg, you can find her on facebook (or click her name for the link), she's just starting out and VERY affordable.

PHOTO CREDIT----all taken by Jennifer Oswald
Love this, the way the session went I couldn't believe that we even had 1 good one!

The following are scanned and therefore do not represent the original images which are much better quality

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that 2013 has come to an end and we're off into a new year!  2013 was so much fun as our newborn has turned into a little toddler and Brennan continued to keep us on our toes and in awe.  We look forward to another fun year with our little boys and hopefully the excitement of moving into a new home at some point towards the end of the year (fingers crossed).  We wish you a year filled with fun, surprises, much happiness, and good health!

Here are some more pictures of our holiday marathon...back to the routine tomorrow:(.

From Jacer's bday...his last number picture and I couldn't get him to put down the penguin water bottle...Aunt Rebecca it's a good thing you didn't need this month for the quilt!

See this is what I his defense this was at the end of the day on his bday and after his big party!

Stick a fork in him, he's done!
I LOVE this picture of Jace, what a happy boy!

The train that we rode with Santa in New Freedom

Such a pretty train

Christmas eve dinner, crab legs at the request of Brennan...good taste for a 3 year old!

Christmas through the eyes of a child, something so special!!
See what I mean....

The aftermath of Christmas morning

He wanted to finish the cookie that Santa left

Christmas morning, 3/4 isn't bad...right??

What a cutie

Brennan and I made these ornaments and he gave them to his teachers and family.  We melted crayons inside the ornaments with a hair dryer.  They were really pretty and so simple.
Our other project gift for family

Christmas dinner, Jace was napping

But then he was back in action!

BEAUTIFUL quilt made by Aunt Rebecca for Jace's first birthday!!!

It's impossible to get a good family shot!

Christmas at Nana and Pap Paps

Lovin his stuffy at Grandmas

Ahh, they both like the stuffy!
Enough pictures, we want to open presents (at Gram and Paps)

Ready for another round at Grandmas

Fun in the new tent
Brennan's own gadget!
love these personalized Pirates hats

Still trying for the family shot...
State College Christmas

Jacers on his best behavior

And we did it...a Christmas marathon.  Thanks to ALL for the many wonderful gifts!!   Our families are too generous and we appreciate all of your thoughtfulness!!!  We've almost found a place for everything that we brought home from all of the Christmas celebrations and the boys have been having a ton of fun playing with their new toys...if you can believe it we had 6 train sets up and running at the house yesterday (see why we need a new house...we need a house just for trains)!