Monday, September 29, 2014

Lacking Pictures

I've been slacking with taking pictures.  I really don't have any good pictures of the boys to share.  But if you needed a laugh (which I did after a long day at work), you should have been at our house this evening.  As mentioned before, Jace likes to take his clothes off.  He does it to show that he's mad or just for the heck of it or to make people laugh.  If he's mad that he has to go to bed he takes his pants off and throws them out of the crib.  This evening he wanted the bubble mower or something that Brennan had (I forget what) but to show his frustration he sat down and took off his pants and shoes then ran up and down the drive.  This prompted Brennan to do the same but he eventually took off his shirt as well and did some kind of dance.  It's times like these that you must just laugh and realize that you've lost control....the joys of parenting boys, I suppose!

I'll try to do better this week and get some real pictures of these 2 crazy kids.

2 apples grown by Daddy.  Daddy even made a batch of applesauce tonight!

I only had my phone but you get the point...this is what the neighbors saw as they drove by.  

Brennan's soccer team

It was picture day..this was the best that I could do without annoying the photographer.  We'll get the real thing soon.

Adams County apple beauty...near our new lot

Not a lot to show from the house this week but we have concrete in the basement and garage 

Nate and I's his Grandma's dry sink to become a vanity:)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Almost finished foundation

Our builder is moving right along and we are pleased with the progress.  Here's a look...
ICF walls in progress

Checking them out

So many things to play with at a building site

The footers were dug for the porch and that provided Brennan and Jace with a "track"
Nate and I are proud of the progress that we made yesterday cleaning up the wall

And clearing more brush..
View looking at the front of the house...the white walls are the basement walls, the block walls around is the start of the porch, yes we have a large porch!
Back of basement, garage is to the left in this picture

Fall is almost here...looking forward to seeing the lot in color:)

Back in Action

It was a rough week back from the beach.  The boys were switching to a new daycare and Jace ended up being sick.  Instead of adjusting to a new routine, poor Jacers had a fever for most of the week and was home trying to get better.  The doctor couldn't find anything wrong and he's been better since Friday.  The weekend went by too quick with soccer on Saturday and doing some work at our here we go again.  I don't have many pictures to share, with a sick little guy there's not much time to take pictures.

Today, Jacer's turns 1 year 9 months!  3 more months and we'll have a 2 year old, seems like we were just bringing home our baby!  Our little "bubby" is dramatic, strong willed, determined, silly, sweet, a great dancer, and quite coordinated (loves climbing and sliding at the playground).  He loves mower rides, swinging, and is now really into reading books, especially ones about tractors and trucks (even says pick up truck and big truck).  He's putting words together now, his top sentences are "mimi back" (mimi is pacifer), "where'd mimi go?," and "here you go Daddy."  He loves trying to do everything Brennan does and tries his best to keep up...he loves his Bubba!   Jace knows his body parts, the sounds that animals make, is starting to sing and make some of the motions in the wheels on the bus song, and he can identify lots of things in his books.  He loves his small green blanket and regular sized off white one....he drags them around all over and also loves that darn mimi!

Some more beach pics....wishing we were still there:)

Coppertone girl on the beach

The crew

Happy Birthday Uncle Ryan

Buddies...quick story about these 2.  Mayze was getting the count to 3 to stop doing something from his Mommy, she said "1", he said "2" so she started walking over to him and Brennan responds with "Run Mayze!"  Trouble!!

Ryan's kinder care:)

Just look at these 3!!

Jace now loves "mower ride" (as he says), even Mama has to take him

Training for Ninja warrior.  This guy is a monkey

Brennan w/ some kicking action

Thursday, September 11, 2014


We are having a fun time in the Outer Banks.  Brennan is a true beach boy and we can't keep him out of the water.  Jace likes the sand but isn't so sure about the water.  Here are some pics of our little beach bums.

Perfect plank

Gun show

This is what an attempt at a family picture looks like

Happy Birthday Grandma! 
Flying kites!

Boogie boarding!

Fun with friends

Doesn't everyone take their blankey to the beach