More of the white stuff, at least the boys enjoyed it! Jacers even stayed out a little while this time. Other than more snow on the way there's not a whole lot new in our household.
Boys in a box! |
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Watching this cart pushing event was more exciting than the Superbowl |
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Look! |
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Fun times! |
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How about this snowman! |
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What are we doing out here? |
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Disclaimer, he did have gloves on, they didn't stay on though. |
Had to put this guy to work. |
I tried a couple new recipes for the superbowl. I wasn't overly impressed with the pork that I did for pork bbq sandwhiches although Nate liked it, I made Pioneer Woman's coleslaw which I believe that I've posted on here before. So I think the only new one that I want to share is this
cookie, pie/cake, it was yummy! Oh and these
potatoes...couldn't find the exact recipe that I used, mine called for sour cream not yogurt, otherwise this looks the same.
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