I just can't believe it. My little 6 pound baby hopped on that bus yesterday as a big boy (34.9 pounds per the doctor today) and didn't look back. Meanwhile, Jace and I were crying and Nate was wondering what the heck was going on. Brennan was so excited for his first day of school. He came home and said that he couldn't wait to go back! I'm so proud of him and his enthusiasm for leaning. I'm pretty sure he was sold on the school thing when he realized that they had a library! His elementary school did a great job trying to help ease students and parents into kindergarten. Last week his teacher (Ms. Crawford) and his principal stopped by the house for a quick visit and to give him a shirt and book. On Monday, we had orientation and while the adults were listening to teachers, the nurse and others talk, the kids got to ride the bus, spend time in the classroom, play on the playground and have a snack in the cafeteria. Brennan was all geared up to go to school after that. You'll see below that we captured some down right adorable pictures from the day that Brennan set out to find his Summie (I keep telling him that sometimes those people you meet in kindergarten end up being your best friend for life so it's about more than just learning).
For those who have to send a child off to kindergarten soon. I'll warn you it's hard! You are literally sending a part of your heart out into this unknown world where you can't protect them. It's definitely different than daycare. While I'm excited for him; I'm just as scared for him and while I want him to learn new things and find his Summie, a part of me just wants to keep him home forever. Yesterday, sure was an emotional day. If his teacher didn't seem absolutely wonderful and if the school weren't filled with such kind folks I'm not sure I could have left him get on that bus. I'm hoping it gets easier!
Brennan, I hope you have a year filled with adventure. Thanks for being brave to make it easier on Mama and Daddy. I hope this is just the first of many fun school years and that your excitement for learning and going to the library never ends:) So go find your Summie(s), check out and read lots books, climb to the highest peak on the playground, and make your school an even better place than it already is. I'll be here waiting to hear all about it each day when you get home. You are going to do great things buddy!
Ready for the morning |
Poor Jacers he wanted to go on the bus and to school with Brennan. He cried all morning. |
Headed to the bus. Jace even put his bookbag on. |
A few more hugs before he's off. |
Here it comes |
And there he goes. |
I felt like I was waiting forever for the bus to bring him home...I took many pictures while waiting but I won't bore you with all of them, but you have to admit the next one is pretty cool. |
Ladybug close up:) |