The first unofficial weekend of summer did not disappoint. We had wonderful warm weather and celebrated with a family picnic (here's the
pie recipe that I made) and outside fun. Happy Memorial Day, and thanks to all those who serve/served our country!
Also, this week Brennan had his first trip to the dentist and what a trip it was! He received the real celebrity treatment. He had a tv to watch while having his teeth cleaned, Thomas sunglasses to wear, got to pick out a toy from the treasure chest, got his picture taken (and printed to take home), got entered into a contest for 2 free movie tickets, got the standard free toothbrush, etc. and I got a flower! All of this took place in the special Nemo room! Brennan did awesome and left them do what they needed to without a peep. Speaking of Brennan, as you know he's always had quite the vocabulary but now it makes me laugh because he's constantly saying things like "No way, never ever", "Well that's a bummer," "Aww, isn't that cute," "This is so boring(even your so boring :( )", "This is the greatest ever", in addition to making up silly sayings, etc.
Jace is a monkey and can climb anywhere. He runs after Brennan trying to keep up. He LOVES to swing and go down the slide and says weee the whole time. He still cries just about every time when we bring him in from outside. He definitely knows what he wants and where he wants to be! Jace is quite the dipper...he will eat any dip, his favorite being ketchup, I've seen corn, cantalope, watermelon, and just about anything else that he's eating dipped into ketchup. He'll even eat salsa...apparently hot things don't bother him because he likes bbq chips too!
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Saturday we went to the Totem Pole to watch a magician and then to the Caledonia Park |
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Jace even likes the big kids swings |
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All American Family |
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More fun swinging |
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See what I mean he really loves it! |
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He's the friendliest guy in the neighborhood. This is his double waive to one of the neighbors driving by! |
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Brennan invites you to his picnic! |
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Love this boys! |
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Popping bubbles. He also LOVES bubbles (which he can even say) |
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So in reality Jace loves a lot of things...add to the list watermelon and cupcakes (2 more words that he does his best to say!). |
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Look at those baby blues... |
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From my flower beds...I hope I didn't pick these irises for no reason and that they will open |
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Look at this cutie |
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Fishing with Daddy |
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I thought that I should post this one because Brennan's mouth is actually's never this way, he's always either smiling, laughing or talking:) |
My beauties in bloom...I don't think flowers come any prettier than iris! |