So it's been a while since I've posted but it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Jace had a minor surgery and then came down with fever/runny nose/cold. Poor boy! Hopefully he's on the mend and 2014 will get a little better for him. He did have his 1 year check up before all of that and all was well. They said he weighed 21 pounds 6 ounces (although 2 days later the surgery center said he weighed over 22) and was 31 inches long. Here are the professional pics that he had taken right before his birthday. He was exhausted and it wasn't such a great session. The pictures were taken by
Jennifer Oswald, she was really nice and we would recommend her, check out the link if you are looking for someone in Central PA, her snow pics are awesome and she even brings backgrounds and props with her. Also, if you liked the pictures on our Christmas card, they were taken by our friend
Rebecca Sieg, you can find her on facebook (or click her name for the link), she's just starting out and VERY affordable.
PHOTO CREDIT----all taken by Jennifer Oswald
Love this, the way the session went I couldn't believe that we even had 1 good one!
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The following are scanned and therefore do not represent the original images which are much better quality.jpg)