It's been a little while since I've posted. The boys continue to keep us on our toes. Jace can now say cow (ow) and cat (at)! He can take his hand and do "ah, ah, ah," by moving his hand on and off of his mouth (hope that makes sense)! He likes to clap and he can bend down to get something and stand back up. He's not interested in walking on his own and won't take more than a step or 2 before going to down to his hands and knees and speeding away by crawling, he loves it when you chase him. He's really coordinated, he can climb up and over things without falling an even get off of his rocking bike himself without falling. He likes to play ball and with any kind of vehicle he even tries to make the sound of them running! He also likes to open (and take everything out) and close drawers and push doors open and closed. His new thing is putting his tongue out right at his lips, in sort of a curl. He has so many expressions and sure can be dramatic.
Brennan says things like, "Mama you know what is important about a fruit roll up?" What Brennan? "You eat it!" He also told me "Goofy is my favorite on Mickey's Clubhouse because he's silly like me!" This evening I heard him saying "come on Little Bro", he's such a great big brother. Brennan can spell his name, write a B, and he is starting to learn which numbers are bigger or smaller and can sometimes add them. He is also into rhyming and he's really good at it, just don't ask what rhymes with duck! I had a parent teacher conference with Brennan's teacher last week and she loves having him in her class and says that he does a great job. Brennan recently got 3 new fish, their names are Thomas, Percy and James (imagine that)! He's been enjoying look at the catalogs that come in the mail...although why do places need to force Christmas on us starting at Halloween?!!
Happy Fall Ya'll! |
Jacers adores Brennan, you can see it in this pic:) |
Look at this beauty, hope we can save it |
Thug 4 Life? What an outfit, a tie, Thomas hat, beads, and John Deer boots! |
One of Jacers favorite things to do! |
It's just so darn fun! |
You can't catch me! |
Brennan's recent artwork...the yellow circle on the left is an apple with a face, the yellow and red on the black paper is fire |
You can tell yellow is still his favorite color, he uses it as much as possible! |
Jacer's Halloween artwork from school |
Let me get right in there and help! |
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