I can't believe that our baby is 2! Time needs to slow down! Jace had a fun long weekend, we went to the train show yesterday and Explore N More today. Happy Birthday to our silly, fun, tough, into everything, wild little man!
Our boys get a long great for the most part and all indications are that they will be the best of friends maybe this is because they are SO different! Jacers you certainly keep us on our toes...I think that you've managed to destroy more things in 2 years than Brennan has in 4, we just don't know what you'll get into next:). Jace goes full force most of the time, pretty much all of the time, except for when he's sleeping or not feeling well. He runs fast, jumps high, plays hard, grunts loud, and eats messy. He loves big bucks, tractors, especially John Deere, just about anything with wheels, being outside, his boots (and most shoes/socks) and he especially loves his big brother and trying to do all the things that he does. He's independent and always want to do things by "self." Today, I asked if he wanted me to read his new book to him. His answer, "No, self." Who knew, our 2 year old can read! He likes to help/"do work" (his words)...sometimes the helper does a good job (e.g. throwing something in the trash, bringing something to Mommy, etc), sometimes the helper makes a mess (e.g. painting our tile floor and couch!). Regardless, he really does love to help, he even runs the dust buster, and today at Explore N More he spent a lot of time sweeping with the little broom. He must be the most dramatic 2 year old around, he can work up a pout, give the dirty looks and roll his eyes with the best of them (I can't imagine where he gets this from!), of course he can also kill you with cuteness! But for all of the wildness that's packed into his 26 pound 34 inch little self, there is an equal amount ofsweetness. He loves to "nuggle" and he tells me that he loves me without being ask...he gives great hugs and interesting kisses (he grabs my face and goes straight for the lips!). I love his persistence and determination, while some days it frustrates me, I'm sure that one day it will lead him to great things. Nuggie/Bubs/Little Bubbie/Jacers/Jace Tanner----we love you and we hope that all of your birthday wishes come true!
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The day that we brought our Jacers home from the hospital. Still one of my favorite pics |
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Our best Christmas gift EVER! |
How did he get so big |
Jace really likes finding the elves |
Working on our gingerbread house prep so that we could decorate on Jace's bday |
Look what the elves did...ready for the birthday boy! |
Explore N More
Cooking his dough |
Don't all civil war soldiers wear their hats like this? |
Decorating our house |
Time for presents |
Love this picture of my boys! |
Not bad for taking it with the timer:) |
Cumberland Valley Train show in Chambersburg
This is the boy who would NOT get his pictures taken earlier that morning. He was all smiles looking at trains though. |
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