Over the weekend we visited the farm and family in Fulton County; the boys enjoyed themselves. On Sunday, Brennan and I did a little school shopping...you know he is a big (well big might be an exaggeration given that he's the smallest in his class) preschooler now. I should mention a few of his recent quotable quotes:
- B: Where did we live before this house T: I had an older house in Waynesboro, you've always lived here. B: I was in your belly before, where was I before I was in your belly? T and N: Uhhh????
- B: What are potatoes made of? T: Explained that they are vegetable, grown underground, etc. B: What is chicken made of? T: Chicken is a meat, from chickens... B: You mean meat like a doggy made of meat! T: Yes, but we don't eat doggies!
- B: This is 40 feet long (measuring Jace's crib with his tape measure) N: Brennan, your tape measure only goes up to 12 feet. B: Yeah, but it goes down to 40. He's as quick as can be with these comments, always coming up with something.
The thoughts of a 3 year old! This kid never ceases to amaze me though. The other day he was explaining that he had one fish but then we went to Walmart and got new fish so that made 2. We asked him how many he would have if he got one more and he said three and when we ask what about if he got 2 more and he said 4! He can spell his name (sometimes). He is constantly thinking, asking interesting questions and he says the most random things like "I want to go to Pittsburgh to see the train!" How does he know about Pittsburgh? The other day he asked me if I had ever been to Greencastle! On a different day he used the word rustupulous (ok, so he made it up it sounds good!). He's also quite the accumulator of wealth...I've caught him 2 times this week alone sneaking into a closet where we keep cups of change. He fills up his silver cup (I mean to the very brim) and takes it over to his room to put into his piggy bank! I'm proud of him because he shares (even the money) and plays with his brother. He's also a polite little guy saying please, thank you, and you're welcome. He even reminds you if you forget to say bless you...he sneezes and says "Mommy, I blessed you'd", which means I am suppose to tell him bless you. If only we could bottle these comments and things up for another day down the road when he's a rotten teenager!
Jace is advancing a little too quickly! He's moving right around furniture, he pulls himself up anywhere that he wants and his little hands are into everything (tonight he helped himself to Brennan's mac n cheese and managed to spill a glass of water and applesauce)! You can find him awake in his crib standing up waiting for (or demanding) you to get him out. Tonight he also made it up one step. He's quite the little eater and really enjoys his cheerios! He's is one persistent and determined little man and I can't believe this little nuggie will be 8 months old tomorrow!
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Farmer Jace |
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So sweet |
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Look at those lips |
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Dune buggy buddies |
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He loves to carry around this round block |
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Yee haw! |
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Looking sharp in his new school clothes:) |
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We don't mess around...he's dressed to impress right down to his Jordans |
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South Mountain Fair 2013 |
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Look at me, up one step! |
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On his tippy toes to get what he wants |
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What Mama, I'm just checking things out... |
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Oh boys! |