I can't believe that my baby is 15 months old! He's such a fun little boy who is usually laughing and smiling or ohhhing and ahhing. He's a friendly little guy always saying hi, bye, and waving. He's also polite and says thank you when he is given things. He can say and do so many things now. I'll just make a short bullet list:
- Vocabulary includes lots of words now, too many to list...the best word to hear him say is broccoli
- Identify and make the sounds that 10+ animals(the best is what the donkey and bee say)
- Identify lots of items in his 100 First words book and around the house
- Climb up on chairs, tables, rocks and whatever he wants
- Sing the "EIEIO" part of Old McDonald
- Eat with his fork and spoon pretty well
- Communicate things that he wants (milk, mimi=pacifier, out, up, cheerios, crackers, etc.)
- Identify himself (as B) in pictures and the mirror
- Point to the sky and trees
- Chase poor Sophie around and meow at her
- Point to his (or someone else's) eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
- Pat his head, wiggle his fingers and toes, stomp his feet, "make his feet go", and dance
- Put some of the shapes into his square box and stack his rings
- Give hugs
- Read (or say the words when you flip the page) in his Beach Baby book
His new current obsession is Elmo, who he calls "Melmo". He really likes watching him on tv or the computer and thinks that when the computer is out that Elmo should be playing on it (he let's you know this by pointing and shaking his little finger at the computer while saying "Melmo"). He continues to LOVE all of his books; we read many books each evening. He has his check up next week where we'll find out how much he has grown. We are enjoying every minute with our little boy who is so full of personality.
Ready for school on a chilly morning |
See how big I am now!! |