My Christmas posts must be divided into two posts because I have too many pictures to post. We visited our families on Christmas Eve day/evening and hosted everyone here on Christmas Day. Brennan had a great time and was his pleasant little self all day/night long. He even threw up in the middle of opening his presents on Christmas Day but after a pajama change he was back in the game. He really enjoyed opening all of his gifts and wanted to play with each one before moving on. He thought (or hoped) that most presents were books. If something was in packaging he would say "open, open" so that he could check it out entirely before moving onto the next. This year's gifts centered around books, John Deere tractors, Elmo, and Thomas. Brennan got so many awesome things. We had a great time celebrating Christmas with our little man and families. Thanks to everyone for all of our great gifts!
Christmas Eve
Look at my John Deere hat |
Reading Jingle |
Yum! |
Horton Christmas |
Reading at his new table |
More tractors! |
A baby elmo |
Trying out his new t-ball set with Uncle Ryan |
Oh my gosh, more presents!! |