Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ready for July

June hasn't been the best of months and we finished the month off with a sick big brother.  We were supposed to head to New Jersey this weekend to celebrate my friend's twins that are due in August but Brennan had the flu or something that was causing him to throw up and feel under the weather.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that it's gone now.  We missed seeing everyone and can't wait to meet the twins when they arrive!

This was an interesting weekend in Adams County, it kicked off the peak 10 day celebration of the Civil War/Battle of Gettysburg, but events will continue throughout the year.  There was a big re-enactment near our house this weekend so we awoke and went to bed to the sound of canons firing!  There were 1,000s of people out there over all weekend and hundreds of tents in the woods and field.  I honestly don't get it, why on Earth would you want to come and stay in little tents (these aren't real tents) in 90 degree weather, in thunderstorms, all while wearing wool uniforms and big hoop dresses.  Oh, and did I mention they didn't have access to showers and they only had porta pots!  Totally, not my idea of a vacation, but to each their own!  The other thing that I don't get is that they always have the same result, it's not like the "winner" of the battle changes, I think that doing the same thing over with the same result is the definition of INSANITY, but these folks don't seem to care:)  The tourism department says that they expect over 3 million visitors this year in Gettysburg, about a million more than normal, wish us luck as we "battle" the tourists for the rest of the summer!


This is his stink eye look and he's not afraid to use it!

Wearing the "muff ears"

Black top chalk


Guess who picked what flowers

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Growing Boy

Jacers had his 6 month check up this week.  He weighed 17 pounds 12 ounces and is doing well.  He's in about the 50th percentile for height and weight. 

The boys have been having some summer fun.  Here are some pictures:
First time in the pool


Look at this little swimmer, getting good at kicking!

cool dude

Nate and Brennan found crayfish and hellgrammites in the creek

Please don't look at his outfit, I had t be into work early and Nate left him go to school not matching!! 

Check out these beauties growing in my flower bed

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Six Months!

Can you believe our little guy is a 1/2 of a year old already?!  Where does the time go? He sits up really well on his own now. He can sit and bend over grab toys and come back to sitting.  He also really likes his cereal which he has had mixed with sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash so far. He would like to crawl on his belly but hasn't figured it out yet, it probably won't take too long.  He likes a LOT of attention, maybe you could even say he's spoiled.  He likes to be sung to, tickled and just about anything that means he's getting attention.  He loves his big brother and has plenty of smiles for him!  He's being quite vocal lately and showing us a little bit of a temper, wonder what we are in for:)?  We had our monthly photo shoot for his six month birthday and here are a few of our smiley man.




Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saying Goodbye

This week my family had to say good bye to our Granny, my great grandmother.  She would have been 90 in August and I know that I'm very lucky to have gotten to know and spend time with my great grandmother for 32 years but goodbyes are always hard.  Granny was such a kindhearted and loving lady, and she sure loved my little boys!  Here is the last picture that I have of Granny with the boys. 

We'll miss you Granny
"What Is A Granny?"
A Granny is warm hugs and sweet memories. She remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes. She is someone you can tell your secrets and worries to, and she hopes and prays that all your dreams come true. She always loves you, no matter what. She can see past temper tantrums and bad moods, and makes it clear that they don't affect how precious you are to her. She is an encouraging word and a tender touch. She is full of proud smiles. She loves you with all her heart, and remembers the child you were and cherishes the person you've become.

Author: Barbara Cage

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day Gifts from School

The boys made Nate gifts at school.  Brennan made him a picture and Jace gave him a picture and a key chain. They did a great job!

Look at little Jacers painting!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Thomas Fun!

Nate and I took the day off to take the boys to see Thomas at the Strausburg Railroad.  Brennan loved his surprise as Thomas (and trains in general) is his favorite!  Jace had fun watching the sites and was very content strolling around.  Thomas is quite the little gold mine, I think I should invest in some stock!  Here are some pictures from our fun day.

Ready for Thomas, he had on Thomas hat, shirt, socks, book bag and even underwear!  You can't get more serious about Thomas than that!

No, Jace's head was not hitting the tray, it just looks like it in the pic


 Just look at these expressions, this was on the small train watching Thomas on the other track:)


Enjoying his ride aboard Thomas!

2 cool guys

Silly boy!

Love my boys!

It's even fun waiting in line!


Jace's new favorite activity, watching the trains run and playing with a piece of track:)  I guess he's going to follow in his brother's footsteps