18 Months old, already! Time sure does fly! It's hard to believe that Brennan is a year and a half old. He's so much fun and such a smart little guy. He continually amazes us with his exploding vocabulary. He can now sing parts of songs such as Old McDonald or the Alphabet song. He'll do the motions to The Wheels on the Bus, Row, Row, Your Boat and If Your Happy and You Know it. He knows several of his shapes and we are working on colors. He's all boy as he climbs up on everything, makes himself dizzy, falls down on the bed or pillows, and runs all around. He likes to color at his table and brings home some nice artwork from daycare. He can tell you the names of his friends and teachers that he played with at school and name all of his family members in pictures. He really knows how to melt your heart with a "wuv you" or by being a cuddlebug. We sure love our little B!
Just hanging out |
Yes, I know that I shouldn't be up here. |
Napping with "Tommy" |
See all of my teeth, molars and all |
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