I can't believe that next month Brennan will be a year and a half old. It seems like we just had his birthday party but now here we are a week from Christmas and 2 weeks away from a New Year! Brennan continues to be his charming little self. He can say so many words, he'll repeat just about anything you say and can identify many things. I can't believe how much he has learned in such a short time. He still loves to talk about and look at "big bucks". He also still LOVES Elmo, asking to watch him ALL the time. He calls all fish "Nemo" and even has a Nemo to watch at his Grandmas. He also still loves to read books (he brings the book over and says "read it, read it"); books keep his attention longer than anything else except for Elmo being on tv or the computer. He's a good eater; one of his favorite things to eat is olives- gross! He loves his fruits, veggies and yogurt:). He did recently decide to start biting his friends at daycare, he had 2 reports sent home last week. We are hoping it's just from his teeth coming in and that it won't last long. Otherwise, they always say such nice things about our little guy and talk about how much they enjoy him. He really seems to like the other kids in class, he can identify all of them in their class picture that hangs on our refrigerator and he gets really excited to them! We can't wait to see how Brennan enjoys all of the excitement of Christmas next weekend!
I didn't get any really good pictures this weekend, here are a couple from yesterday.
Giddy Up! |
Playing with his dewey (that's what he calls his lunch box) |
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