Tuesday, July 6, 2010

38 weeks

I've certainly experienced extreme weather during my pregnancy, today at 38 weeks the temperature was over 100, this is quite different than at 17 weeks when I was writing about one of the big snow storms of what turned about to be a very snowy winter. The heat wave is supposed to last several more days. Needless to say, I'll be staying inside. I had a doctor's appointment today, no real news to report. They did a non-stress test and the baby's heart beat and movement looks really good.

Fortunately, I have lots of strong women who've provided me with lots of insight and support throughout my pregnancy. Here's some advice on labor and delivery from a 3 time Mom:

"It's hard. It's particularly hard for women like us....who require a
plan.... just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it. I can DO whatever
it takes.... but I don't like jumping on a ride and not knowing where I'm
going. The physical part of it is (obviously) doable. Because...so many
women...do it. It's just like nothing you've ever experienced. Your body
takes over. Your mind cannot change anything about the process. You just
hang on. My biggest piece of advice is take chapstick with you. Yep.
There you have it. My pearl of wisdom. You get dehydrated because once you
start labor...they won't let you eat or drink. Ice chips is all you can
get. Like THAT helps. I wanted to scream....I'm thirsty dammit....I need a
gallon of water!!!!! And they bring you some lame cup of ice chips. By the
time the whole event is over...your lips are sore and dry. Take chapstick."

I think we are allowed to have something to drink now and even a little snack here and there (I can't imagine that with everything going on that I would want food, but I guess you never know). My bag is packed, including chapstick, and we are just waiting for Baby Horton to decide he's ready to meet us:)

Big Mama 38 weeks. Can you tell I lost 1/2 a pound from last week?:)


  1. I relate it to pre-season. You get through it, and somehow your body/mind lets you forget enough of the pain so you can do it again.

  2. At least labor is shorter than preseason, although it probably feels like 2 weeks while you are going through it.

  3. i love your pic!! so cute!
    oh and the lady is right, no food or water, just ice chips (i was in labor 25 hours and i was starving bc the last thing i ate was a measly pnut butter & jelly sandwich)!
