Tuesday, April 20, 2010

27 weeks

Nothing new this week, still feeling pretty good. I can see Baby Horton kicking in my belly from the outside now, that's pretty neat. He weighs about 2lbs and is over 14 inches long. His brain is very active as it continues to develop and his lungs are becoming functional. Not much to report this week...I'm getting a bit tired of being pregnant, maybe it's because I've known 5 babies born in the last couple weeks and I'm ready to meet our little guy too. 13 more weeks:)

Big Momma at 27 weeks


  1. looking good tiffers!!! love the baby bump! the nursery looks awesome! which room did you convert, the yellow room, or the beach room? - Spout

  2. converted the beach room, it's the smaller one of the 2 but plenty of room for a baby:)
