Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Babies, Babies, and more Babies

Today I'm 15 weeks, as I drove to work this morning I was thinking- 25 weeks left...which seems like such a long time. I think as I close in on the half way mark, it will start to seem like July isn't really so far away. At 15 weeks our baby is about the size of an apple. He or She's lungs are beginning to develop and the legs are growing to be longer than the arms. The baby can move all of his or her joints and muscles and can sense light.

The past week has brought me back pain. I don't know if this is pregnancy related or just due to my prior back issues, therefore as I type I sit with my heating pad. My nose remains stuffed up which apparently during pregnancy is called rhinitis. I bought a humidifier which I'm hoping will help. I've also been pretty tired the last couple of days but other than these few issues, everything continues to go well.

I guess Nate and I are starting to exit the era of weddings and enter the era of babies, babies, babies. I have friends due the following months: one any day now, a baby girl due in April, a "surprise" baby the first of May, boy and girl twins the first of May, and friends who lives only couple of miles away due the end of August--I'm so excited that our baby will have a playmate close by:) At work, it seems like we have a pregnant lady or expecting dad in every other office. I'm just wondering, who's next? It great to be able to talk to my friends and coworkers about what they are going through and compare our experiences. I've also been leaning on other friends who already have babies to get advice on everything from diapers to c-sections. Thanks to all my wonderful friends for making the journey of pregnancy a little easier:)

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