I differ from the author, as I've never had a time line to end my career (well not one that comes before retirement at 55+), rather I've had a time line by which I wanted to achieve certain accomplishments. I also didn't grow up dreaming of becoming a Mom; it wasn't until more recently that this became something I desired. Still, I find this article very useful.
The Mom in the article faced a very difficult challenge and unfortunately had to deal with her baby being injured. The article doesn't mention the outcome or how the little girl's health is now. I guess I'll have to buy the book to find out. The author urges others to take time breathe, to narrow their focus and plan for the future in order to help find balance between family and career. This is something something I certainly need to work on and I don't even have a child yet. I find this excerpt from article especially important as it relates to achieving work life balance:
"Looking back, I realize my biggest failures always seemed to find me when I was trying to do too much too soon. When I wasn’t ready to accept that I needed to choose one aspect of my life over another — or risk crashing and losing everything. Your job can be a big part of who you are, but it shouldn’t be the whole package. Your family and relationships should be central, but they needn’t be front and center at all times."
I'm looking forward to reading this entire book and hope that some other expecting Mom's will find the article beneficial.