Thursday, May 28, 2015

9 Years

9 years ago today, at Liberty Mountain, I married this handsome guy:)  We sure are blessed, what a great 9 years it's been!  Love you Nathan!

I cross my heart 

And promise to 
Give all I've got to give 
To make all your dreams come true 
In all the world 
You'll never find 
A love as true as mine 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

Thanks to all who have served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice,  because of brave men and women, we get to enjoy weekends like this!  We hope your unofficial start to summer was filled with sprinklers, creeks, good food, and friends and family too!

Front yard fun, trying to get the grass to grow but it looks like more water was getting on the boys than the grass!

Headed to the Memorial Day parade in Gettysburg.  Not sure if we could live in much more of a symbolic place than this when it comes to a place where soldiers gave their lives as they fought for freedom/equality for all.
Great day for a parade, who need seats when you have Daddy.

Too bad I cut the horse off...good looking horse too.

I do love this charming town.  I mean really it's postcard perfect.

Somebody come and play, somebody come and play today...

Friends, ready to go.
On the way to the ole swimmin' hole


I would have liked to have narrowed down this next set of pictures but I couldn't, all were too cute not to post!

Maybe my favorite, maybe?

Boys finding treasure!


Throwing rocks, it's what boys do!

Country road...a day of simple things.

Proud to be an American. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Where are my babies?

Last week it happened.  I had to take Brennan for his kindergarten assessment, the reality is starting to set in, in 3 short months my first baby is going to go to real school.  I'm excited for him because he loves to learn and be around other kids but I'm still sad that my baby is turning into a big boy.  In August we'll go to orientation where he will get to check out the bus, play on playground, eat in the cafeteria, meet his teacher and see his classroom.  Meanwhile, Jace continues to lose his baby looks and he's turning into a little boy.  He keeps up with his big brother, climbing, jumping and running just a step or 2 behind.  Tonight on the playground he was going up all the big kids things all by himself.  Jace is quite the singer...he can sing his ABCs, as well as some other songs and does a fair amount of humming.  He also breaks out his dance moves at random times!

We had soccer and tball again over the weekend/this week.  Brennan is doing awesome hitting from the pitch.  He has went 2/3 the last 3 games. He gets in there in his little stance and goes at it!  So proud of him:) and there's not much cuter than seeing him out there with his little butt out ready to hit or field.

Our soon to be kindergartner

The new advertisement for JLG!

He's such a trooper, he either watch or plays at all the games.  

Lucky for him the fields have playgrounds near by too

Hauling water:)

See that little guy in the orange shoes with his butt out, that's Brennan!
And sometimes you just have to take your chair down to the outfield and sit where you have a better view

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

"Being a Mom means having a piece of your heart walking around outside of your body." 

I would have never understood what that quote meant until I had my own 2 little guys to love.  What a blessing they are, providing us (and anyone they come into contact with) with so much joy!  I was talking to a woman who is helping out with our daycare now that our normal teacher is off with her new baby.  She said, I might not get to be a movie star or anything fancy but when you hear those famous people talk about their best achievement and their favorite role, even they always say "Being a Mom, it's the best and most rewarding job that I have!"  I know with out a doubt that it's a heck of a lot better than being a banker but, what a great point that she made, we are so lucky to have the most rewarding job that anyone could ask for!  Thank you Brennan and Jace for making me a Mama:)

Happy Mother's Day to our Moms, we hope you had a great day and we were glad that we could celebrate with you and most of our family yesterday!  Thanks for all that you've done for us and your endless support.  
Happy Mother's Day!

Gifts for Mama...thanks to my 3 boys and my Mom!

We relaxed we worked:)

Look at that cool guy!

Can you say ornery!

Hot day=  popsicles! 
Love you boys!

Mother's day sweets from the boys.  They picked out the pink one for me.  Yum!
