Sunday, March 30, 2014

Messy Weekend

What a yucky spring weekend, instead of sunshine and birds chirping we had a ton of  rain and even sleet to go with it.  Jace did get a new haircut; he looks so different.  Nate took him and I cried when he got home, of course he's still cute but he looks so grown up without his long hair.  Brennan ended up with a double ear infection...we just can't get away from them first Jace and now Brennan.  Here a few pics from the past week.

Ready to do some work 

Yes, that is milk flying from the cup because who knows what the wildman was doing with it!

Post hair cut

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

15 Months Old

Can you believe it, over the weekend Jacers hit the fifteen month mark?!  I can't believe it, where's my little baby going.  This persistent and strong willed little man is obsessed with being outside, baths and eating (A LOT).  The boy certainly knows what he wants and when he wants it! He has more facial expressions and "looks" than any child I know, and he's not afraid to use use a dirty look if necessary.   He's saying more words, he gives great hugs, does quick feet, can do some of the motions to "if your happy and you know it," likes to try and do whatever Brennan is doing, he knows where his nose, eyes, mouth/tongue, hair/head and feet are, loves playing rough and being tickled, and will climb up and over anything and everything...he also keeps his Daddy and I on our toes and very busy.  This one is going to be very ornery (he already laughs at me when I tell him no!).  I don't think he weighs too much more than he did at 1 (23 pounds), although I can't see how with as much as he eats.  I guess when you are on the move all the time you burn a lot of calories.  We love you Baby Jace Tanner:)

Oh, and he's cute as a button!  Just look at him.  (Yes, I'm aware that he needs a haircut!)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Pattys Day!

Well it indeed was a white St. Patty's day, no pics of the snow because it was dark when we left but we did remember our green!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another Year down

This weekend the boys helped me celebrate my birthday...with a little help from Grandma they managed to decorate, send flowers and get a cake!  Thanks to all for the birthday wishes, cards, calls/texts, and gifts....I'm a lucky lady!  Nate and I went out to dinner with Brett, Allison, Ryan, and Tia to celebrate.  We ate way to much at Aki (hibachi restaurant), which was yummy...the cook even had them sing Happy Birthday and gave me a candle in a lemon, haha!  The forecast says that we could have a white St. Patty's Day tomorrow...let's hope not, winter needs to go!  Bring on spring!

This was on Wed., best rainbow I can remember seeing... it went the entire arch and was so bright...sure wish that I had my real camera instead of just my phone because it doesn't do it justice!

You can kind of see his cat in the hat, hat that he made at school...but look at those lashes and what I'd give for that skin!

Little Jordan

This kid LOVES the bath!  It's his happiest time of the day:)

Mohawk Man


Doesn't everyone sit like this to talk on the phone?!

Check out Brennan's decorating, it was hard to get a pic but he strung his streamers right across the room!

Wishing for a year filled with special memories, more rest, and less stress:)

I'll just have a lick

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Forward

I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted.  Last weekend we took an adults only trip to Deep Creek skiing and had a great time (the boys enjoyed time with all of their Grandparents/Aunt being spoiled)!  The week then flew by with really busy and long days at work, fortunately we ended the week with a great big BANG with some exciting news:)!!  And now here we are...we've turned the clocks forward and this weekend is almost over too!

Jace seems to be getting another tooth to go with the 7 that he already has, poor guy, it seems like he's always teething.  He's starting to say a few more words...right now his word list includes Mama, Dada, duck, cat, cow, truck, car, bye, apple, Pap, bubble,fish and Jace and not sure if I'm missing any.  He continues to LOVE being outside, fortunately he got to play outside some this weekend but he hates coming in and is always getting his shoes to go out.  He also likes to put shoes on, even if they don't match or aren't his. He also does quick feet really well (although I can't seem to get a good video) and he's a great dancer, especially spinning moves.  Brennan amazed us this week week when I was explaining to him that there are certain words that sound the same but have different meanings.  I gave him a couple examples and then ask if he could give an example and he said "Yep, I won the race. and The number one."  Impressive for a 3+ year old if you ask me!

Ski bunny Tia

With 2 of my favorite ladies

We allowed these guys to hang out too

Jace at Nana and Pap Paps

Maybe not the best picture but see how he can use his fork!

He's always throwing things away, hard to tell what he's thrown away that we haven't noticed

Nap time!

See what I mean about always wanting to wear shoes, he really likes to wear his boots

Such a handsome little man 

This weekend his obsession was the dust buster

No matter what chair Brennan is sitting at Jace just hops right up behind him, good thing Brennan isn't very big

More shoes--he got these on himself

Brennan is getting better on his bike

Time to start some yard work

Jace loves gator rides

A little artwork

Brennan working on some St. Patty's art