Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Fun!

Last week and through this weekend we had a lot of fall fun!  We went to the Gettysburg Halloween parade, went to the daycare's fall fest, trick or treated in Nana and Paps neighborhood, and carved pumpkins.  Unfortunately on Wednesday, Brennan decided to add to the activities by putting a kernel of field corn up his nose which was waaaay up there and it ultimately resulted in a trip to the ENT doctor to have it removed!  What a busy week!

Best friends

Brennan and Porter ready to pick up candy

We'll miss you McKees:(

Cutest superman ever!
Really into the parade!


Fall Fest, Gettysburg College

Jace's room's pumpkin

Our 2 superheros!

Brennan's room's pumpkin

Superheros need to recharge!  Homemade blueberry pie at his request.

Look at this guy!  SpiderJace


Trick or Treat!



Our pumpkins...Brennan wanted to make a happy one and a nice one...the happy clown is on the left.

Nate says that this looks just like him when he was little

And a baby in  bucket is always cute!

All lit up!

Peek a boo! 


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy 10 Months!

I really feel like I was just pregnant so how can I possibly be writing a post about my baby being 10 months old already (yesterday)?!!  I feel like time flies by even quicker with the 2nd one.  Although Jacers had a rough week last week, he's back to being his normal self.  He can stand on his own now for a little while but hasn't taken what we can really call his first's coming!  He's such a fast crawler so I don't think he really has a need to walk.  The boy loves being outside; this weekend he  was going to all of the doors, standing up, reaching up for the door knobs, and then getting upset when he couldn't get out! He's into everything and going everywhere, you can't take your eye off of him!  He loves to eat table food and really doesn't care too much for his baby food.  He also loves water and bath time.  He would stay in the bath all day if you left him. He hates getting dressed and getting in his car seat, again I'll refer to his "determination" and "strong will" that I've mentioned before when describing him.  I've also probably mentioned this before but, he says Mama and Dada and does a lot of grunting.  He can point, high five, and sort of wave.  He still just has the 2 bottom teeth, I would think that any day we would see a 3rd and a 4th.  If anyone knows how to slow down time, let me know because in the blink of eye we are going to be celebrating his 1 year birthday! 

We love you Nuggie!


He enjoys this toy with the music but he thinks it's much more fun to throw the magnets all over the kitchen rather than keep them on the fridge.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Disney Surprise!

We had a fun weekend.  On Saturday Brennan, Tia, Mayze and I went to Disney on Ice.  Brennan was surprised and in awe seeing some of his favorites on the ice. It was a good show.  Sunday we spent a little time at Fall Fest at Ski Liberty.  Where has this year gone, I can't believe Halloween is next week!
Looks like he needs some treats in his pumpkin

Here comes trouble!  Both boys love this jeep.

Let me help


Helping Daddy mow!!

What's wrong with this picture

SURPRISE Brennan, look where we are!  Disney on Ice

I liked the princesses...and incase you are wondering my abs look just like Jasmine's.

Beauty and Beast...everyone looked just like the real characters

Cinderella and Prince Charming

This is what happens when you only weigh 28 pounds!

In awe...

He LOVED the Toy Story part

At fall fest

Finished pumpkin

Love this pic of my scarecrow


Soon to be ours...

Brennan's artwork, we stamped with leaves

So this is what he does!

I'll leave you with this, he's too stinkin' cute!!