Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It's been freezing outside until today.  Today, it was over 60 degrees out!  We were out for a while this afternoon, I think that Jace liked being out of the house and hanging out in the pouch on my belly.  Brennan was busy finding the "perfect stone", the "perfect stick" and looking at deer poop.  I'm not sure that he understands what perfect means because each stone and stick that he found was "perfect." He was also riding his tractor and hot wheel and seems to be getting the hang of pedaling.
Here are some pictures from the past week.


Feeding his baby brother


Here is some of Brennan's artwork from Sept. - Jan., which he made at school.  I can't keep all of it so I took a picture of it so that we have it "forever".  He's quite the artist.  Some of the ones below are his turkey hand prints, jack o lantern, the pink one at the bottom is a pig in the mud:), and the green scribbles on white paper is a still life drawing of fruit!


The quality of the next 3 are terrible...they were taken on my phone today but he looks cute so I'm posting anyway.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Month Old

Jace turned one month old today!  I refuse to think that this much of my maternity leave has already passed.  Time needs to slow down!  Our little guy seems to be doing well and has even slept a little longer the last 2 nights.  He endured a photo session this morning with his one month sticker on his onsie. 

First these pictures:

A happy pile of boys.

 From our photo session:

Happy 1 month baby boy!


Just for Fun

A few pictures...

Summer and Noah came to visit us:)

Check out this outfit, I think his shoes are even on the wrong feet.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

4 Weeks Old

Already?!  Jace is 4 weeks old, where has a month (almost) gone?  Seems like we were just rushing to the hospital to welcome our new baby boy.  We are still working on the sleeping at night thing...hoping that it starts to become more frequent and in longer stretches and also that the grunting noises stop (this is new to us, Brennan wasn't a grunter that I remember).  As you can see from the pictures, he's quite the growing boy, I bet he's 9 and a half pounds now...maybe more.  He's been staying awake more through the day so he gets in a little tummy time.  I'm also going to post some pictures of his nursery, we put up his sign and it's about 95% done...I still might need some shelves for books.


Don't worry he's not sleeping in his crib yet and when he does we'll take all the things out of it.

Nate's striped handiwork!

All 3 pictures and the name decal are from Etsy sellers

He has the same tail that Nate and Brennan have

Friday, January 18, 2013

2 and a Half!

Today, Brennan is 2 and a half!  Can you believe it, only six more months until he turns 3.  He still continues to amaze us with his constant chatter and expansive vocabulary.  For example, he doesn't just say something is big he will say it's huge or giant or both words together... "big huge green gator."  He uses words like wonderful, ottoman, excavator, download, vegetables, hospital, locomotive, and actually.  Are 2 year olds supposed to know those words?  He uses technology better than a lot of adults and his memory is quite impressive.  Right now some of his favorites things (according to him) are:
Color: Yellow
Food: Macaroni
Toy: Trains (and we even won a new Lionel model O train!)
TV Shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (if you ask me it's anything on Disney Jr)
Book: Train book (that's what he told me, not sure what it means)
Friends: Porter (at school he is spends a lot of time with Mason)

He enjoys ocean animals and "scuba divers"...which I guess is why he named one of his elves Scuba Diver; there's also a show on Disney Junior called Octonauts that may have helped to interest him in these things.  He enjoys riding his new John Deere gator, putting together puzzles and he can now play some games such as Memory.   He's so sweet, when he says bye to people he always wants to give them a hug and a kiss and he usually remembers to say thank you when he is give something.  He is Mr. Independent and wants to do everything himself...butter his pancake, get food out of the refrigerator, put the toothpaste on the toothbrush, turn on the light, you get the point he wants to do it all.He is two though, and he can throw a mean temper tantrum, although I know that certain people reading this who refuse to believe this fact.

Recently some of his comments include:
"Guys, this is ridiculous!"  ---He was referring to Nate and  watching tv.
"This is really really cold!"---When referring to eating a "lollisicle" which is what he calls a popsicle
"I want to watch Mickey for a couple of whiles."
"Just download it."  ---when something on the phone or computer isn't working right.
"WHAT are you tellin' me?"---I wish I could convey tone in this one...this is what he says when I say his name from another room. 
"Mama, you are 48 pounds."--He says this when using the tape measure to measure me, I've heard him tell Nate the same thing and other things around the house such as a glass:).  By the way, Brennan is about 26-28 pounds right now depending on whose scale you are using.
"Puff, puff, toot, toot!"  I hear him saying this all the time when playing or watching trains.
"That's an acorn, it came from an oak tree."
"An octagon has 8 sides."
"I sure can." or "I sure will."  So cute when he answers questions like this.
"This is my brother, Baby Jace Tanner, he came out of Mama's belly."

New train that we won, he loves it.
Thought that I should add this picture that Buddy took of himself...love those eyes!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Here are 2 pictures of my boys both on the deer skin, not the best for comparison purposes since Jace doesn't have his eye open but still fun to look at.

Professional Pictures

In October we had family/maternity pictures taken out on the battlefield with Stacey Gillin.  Then when Jace was 9 days old she took his newborn pictures.  I've already use the photos several times for cards, gifts, photo albums, etc.  Stacey is great to work with and I definitely recommend her to others.  Here are some of my favorite shots.