Monday, April 30, 2012

Hear it Birds

Last one, sorry that it's not the right direction.  So cute how he talks about hearing the birds.

Another Video

And he knows the difference between big and little.

Counting B

Oh no you didn't!

A clip of B counting, he always skips 8 and gets mixed up after 10 but pretty good for 21 1/2 months old!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Brennan continues to amaze us with all of his new words/phrases and his memory which is really impressive!  Right now he LOVES Mickey Mouse and can't get enough of him and the rest of the gang on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He's also into tractor rides and fishing.  He likes to pick out his own shirt sometimes in the mornings and his favorite is a green John Deere shirt.  He really enjoyed going for ice cream the other night which was evident by the mess on his shirt.  He is still into all of his books and his favorite right now seems to be a golden book about a man and his dump truck.  He's quite the hand full some times testing the limits and getting himself into time outs now and then...good thing we love him!

Is this what they mean by terrible 2s?  All out temper tantrum

Back to my happy boy
Pretty...that little head just snuck into my pic though

Daddy's helper

Favorite shirt

Might become his new favorite shirt...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Fun

On Thursday we planted some spring plants in the garden.  Brennan enjoyed helping. B had fun this weekend visiting with family, fishing and hanging with his buddies.
Gardening is fun!



Tractor rides are fun!

So are bubbles!

And baseball.

And fishing

And hanging w/ the boys!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eggstra Special Day!

Some pictures from our Easter Day.  Thanks to everyone who came over to celebrate with us and for all of the treats!  Brennan had so much fun!
Wow, look what the Easter Bunny brought!


Finding eggs

Checking everywhere for eggs!

Looking for candy!  I think he became a candy-holic this weekend.  He didn't even eat breakfast because he had eaten too much chocolate and too many jelly beans!  I hope he doesn't think this is his new diet!

Another egg hunt

How about this bunny cake?

Putting his money from his eggs in his piggy bank

Reading in the corner

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

Wishing you a Happy Easter!   May you enjoy time with family and friends to celebrate this season of hope.

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

Enjoying his first Easter Egg Hunt at the Park with Momma

Sophie actually allowed him to to pet her.

May the spirit of hope that Easter brings,
Help you find contentment in little things